"Jenny the military spouse" follows the adventures of a young Air Force spouse determined to overcome the challenges of a military lifestyle. Drawn from the real lives of both contributors and the cartoonist, Jenny's experiences reflect the humor, ingenuity, and sheer determination necessary to be successful as the spouse of an active duty military member.
2. TMO
This is me and Angel. |
The impetus for this episode came from the fact that the movers packed half my bagel. This is not a lie or a joke.
I was eating a nice, thick, warm bagel, generously schmeared with delicious cream cheese, when I was called out of the room. By the time I got back, the entire kitchen was packed and nobody remembered seeing a bagel.
Back when "Jenny" had a store on Cafe Press, we sold t-shirts and mugs that read "The other half of my bagel is in unaccompanied baggage". A nice photo of half a bagel in the shape of half of a heart was in the center of the shirt.
If you still have a Cafe Press store, you are welcome to that idea. Please send me a mug.
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